Nov 28, 2009

day 17.....sticking notes on cash!!

Day 17.. my task today was simply to "stick a message on a bank note"  the idea being to bosh a message on there and put it into circulation for the general public to view. simple enough right? The problem i was having is i didnt want to write on my cash and deface it badly enuf that people would refuse to accept it, and also i struggled to find stickers big enough to hold a message that i wanted to send.. anyway finally i found stickers... the messages due to size of the adhesive labels are short but sweet.

However this task reminded me of something, about a month ago i bought somethig with a tenner in a shop, and among the shrapnel handed back to me  was  a pound coin thats entire " tails" side was hidden under a yellow GAY CHAT  sticker, that fit it perfectly.. as if it had been custom made for a pound coin.. I t was an odd experience, it was so disturbing that i wanted to keep hold and show it to everyone i knew,.. so they could also be shocked, also i was reluctant to hand it over in a shop, my worry was the girl behind the counter would for some reason think i used gay chat purely because i posessed the coin. (stupid i know)

 Now i realise its probably just a marketing campaign for said chat line, but part of me wonders, and really hopes it was another, and better prepared benrikian (follower of the book). I hope whoever gets these notes is as shocked and amused as i was shocked and horified to recieve  my stickered up gold dabloon.

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