day 64... " Today glorify terrorism " Well as you can see, today i was required and requested to glorify terrorism, i wasnt happy about this...terrorism is something i have no soft spot for (unsuprising i know). So i had a good think about 2 things 1. A way in which i can justifty doing this task to myself, and 2. doing it in a way that has some degree of finesse, and puts no lifes in danger.
This is me, looking all mysterious, like someone who could at any second declare a holy war against the east (I realised that i was viewing terrorism as a crime of those in the middle east)In reality terrorism takes place all over the world... surely there is gorilla warfare going on somewhere which stems from a cause i could support. I had a good look, and while there were groups i has sympathy with, there methods were always counterproductive.
So I'd had my think and decided the best way to deal with this task was to make cup cakes and decorate them apropriately ... extoling the virtues of terrorism through baking and the pipin of iceing.
The cake mixture was made, i boshed it into cup cake paper tray thingies, and put them in the oven, and as i did so riled myself up by thinking arnt these cakes in those savage conditions (in the baking heat of the oven) a perfect analogy of isreals plight in the middle east? encompassed all about by forces that intend to do it harm?
Here we see my cakes.. after i'd iced them with an apropriate message for the day, (possibly an inapropriate one for any other day) if you cant read my wonky icing words, the message is "yes 2 terrorism" (only after spelling my message out with the back end of a spoon did i see that we had icicng in a little squeezy tube) too late!
Taste my produce infadels!! No seriously tho ... this is me with my cakes, and as i posed i considered the quote "one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter" And thought, hmmm what a loads of balls.
Like every sneaky wannabe terrorist does i hid my message within a seemingly safe and secure environment, notice how the message seems inoquous enough within the dennis the menace themed cakes i made at the same time. Islamic extremists like to hide their hatred, and illegal practises from the general public, by teaching them within buildings that are not for people not of their persuasion, with this cake trick i atempted the same form of camouflage. evil within the guise of normality.. you like what i did there?.
In the end, there was only one fit and proper end for my terrorism cup cake, i took it, reant its skin from it and savagely bit through it, i considered keeping it stress positions or playing horific american rock to it in a loop on full blast. But at the end of the day.. im not a a terrorist or a torturer of baked goods.. so i bit it in half and chwewd till it was gone.
After doing away with the offending article, i realised there was an oppertunity here to use the framework that once promoted terrorism for good!
Here we see what i in my genious came up with. "YES TO GRAPES" wonderfull, not only healthy and delicious but a great deal less harmfull than jihad of any description.
So today i glorified terrorism through the making of baked goods, and although
it didnt sit well with me, (at the risk of sounding like a nazi soldier) i was just following orders.
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