Feb 14, 2010

day 80... primal scream!!!!!! day.

day 80... and today is  "primal scream day"

screamadelica.. a classic album by primal scream

Just some doil screaming!!

Allow me to point out at this stage tha i in no way buy into alternative therapy's be it yoga, reiki, pilates crystals or any other "therapy" given the thumbs up by middle class stay at home mothers with too much time and money on their hands.

Similarly primal scream therapy is not something i would like to align myself with (unless it involves listening to the compete works of primal scream, in which case i would happily participate) However the book insisted that that was todays task.

I was provided with a choice of 4 screams...below you can view my menu of screams.

4. EEEEEEEEEEEEKK!!!!! (women only at the books insistance)

So i took my choice, and considering myself a bit of a beast, naturally i chose option number 2. I pictured my scream before i exuded it... what i saw was a bellow of superhuman proportions, knocking fragile ornaments from the shelves of neighbours homes. smashing windows, causing water to spill from aquariums,the streets  satelite dishes being slightly moved and picking up obscure foreign speaking channels.

All that actaully happened when i let the primal scream rip was my cat sprinted from the room fast as a cheetah, and my next door neighbout banged on the wall in a manner that sugested i should cease my venting immidiately.

So i gave it a blast.. literally, did it work for me? No... you can give me screamadelica over just plain old screaming anyday.
primal scream - screamed
all stress relieved - defo not

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