Dec 1, 2009

day 21.... message in a bottle

Day 21 message in a bottle

So todays task was to "send a message in a bottle", ive been looking forward to this one, somehow messages in bottles buzz me up a little.. so the idea of sending my own and it landing in a different country after a long voyage in the north sea or further (unlikely i know) makes me feel good.

So on a baltic tuesday morning (this morning ) i headed to seaton carew...undetered by the wind or the fact that the whole place was frozen up... i arrived paper and pen in hand. I knew i needed to send a note, but what should it say? I want it to be somethhing of worth i thought... maybe a word or two on the meaning of life, maybe a message to the world reguarding how to gain peace and hapiness .

Then out of the corner of my eye (the right one) i spied it......... the menu for perfect parmo, it was like a light switch had been flicked on... these were the words the people of the world needed to hear, this was to be the act of all welcoming unity the disputing nations of the planet needed to witness.. to all intents and purposes an olive branch and an open invite to the lucky recipient, from whatever race, culture colour or creed they come (within reason) to join me for a parmo.

Here we see those magic words, thought and agonised over for many a minute, i realised the importance of starting out on the best possible foot with the persons i was trying to reach, gretings foreigner seemed the most befiting opening, both formal and friendly  i thought.. i carried on in the same open yet presidential tone in the hope that unity and understanding could be reached.

Behold the mighty menu for perfect parmo, with the parmesan meal deal offer lovingly and painstakingly circled by my good self.... nothings too much effort if it does the business for international relations.

Here is the vestle already impregnated with my message for goodwill towards my fellow man, i thought it only right to document this moment for posterity.. that they may know the likeness of the legendary transport that guided such an important invitation across the seas to its destination.

with a sense of occasion the likes of which moses must have felt just prior to parting the red sea, i took the precious cargo in my hand and stepped out a little into the water (it was unreasonably frikkin cold) .

Here you can witness (if you click to make the image larger) the scrolls of peace  being launched into the north sea, begining their journey in seaton carew .. and ending where the divine winds of right direct them.
I only hope the watertight yet humbly upholstered container the messagge was launched in (lucozade bottle.. origional.. no pervy flavvours for me) has the strength and fortification required to withstand the pummeling of the ocean.

So seriously now ... mission complete, message in bottle launched succesfully, including invitation to call me up and scran a parmo to whoever happens to find it, plus menu of a preffered tek away with the fast food coniseurs choices circled... im well aware it may never make it out of teesside.... or even out of seaton.. but just the possibility.. just the thought that someone  might be stroling  on a beach in a foreign land.. and seing   my locozade bottle rocking up invite within is almost enough to make me loose all control of my bladder.

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