Yes.... that is a captain's hat!
osama after reading my letter
Day 24....changing osama's mind
As you can see todays task involves mr bin laden, Basically i am to send him a letter, asking the beardy wierdy to change his mind with reguards to "jihad" against the west,. Scrauny vagabond looking filthbag bin laden has been in hiding since 2001, when he planned and oversaw the 9/11 terror attacks among other atrocities. He is the figure head of one of the axis of evils largest extremist organisations, and loves to encourage his followers to murder us infadels. The americans have been unable to track him down in the last 8 years. however he does occasionally release videos to the worlds media via the quatar based al jazeera tv station.
The thinking behind this task is this ... he has been threatened, hunted by troops, had suspected hide outs bombed.. most of his asociates have been killed, but noone has ever tried the most basic of and perhaps obvious ways to make him put down arms, ... persuasion... and so i will atempt this, after all monster he may be, but surely even a badger bearded, cave dwelling extremeist can be reasoned with, and realise all of this terror is quite uncecesary right? heres the letter:-
Dear Mr Bin Laden,
I am writing to respectfully invite you to reconsider your global “jihad” against the west, you clearly thought it was a good idea at the time, but you now no doubt realise that terror wasn’t the right course of action. You may be thinking your only option is to stick to your guns, and see this policy of hate through to its grim conclusion, but let me tell you Osama (if I may call you that) you have another option, It takes a bigger man to realise he’s made a mistake, admit it to himself, and change direction.
Think it through, you hate what the west stands for, wouldn’t it be a better idea to get the people of the great western nations on board, and gently and lovingly attempt to change their views? After all osama , well prefer the carrot to the stick.
There is much to gain from my suggested course of action, for example, how would you like to live in a house? A real house!! You MUST be tired of cave dwelling by now; I have been in caves before. And while its entertaining for a few minutes it’s cold, hard and leaves a lot to be desired from an interior design perspective.
The time has come to call it quits, give jihad up as a bad job, you would only gain respect with this move.
I hope I have managed to persuade you, if so please inform your fellow jihadists,
I look forward to a peaceful future
Yours sincerely
I hope he enjoys this letter... and i hope he is persuaded by it, unlikely i tknow.. but hey quiet kids get nowt right?, ill be forwarding it to al jazeera, in the hope that he recieves it ... if not well hell ive tried my best
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