Dec 12, 2009

day 30.... mike goes mainstream!!

Day 30.."mainstream day"  today i was urged to stop rocking the boat ! and to ensure  my tastes and actions dont clash with those of  95%  of the population... you may be thinking  "that sounds quite simple"  Well it was and it wasnt.... heres what it entailed.

Obviously with it being mainstream day, this had to be reflected in my atire, the book sugested plain jeans, plain t.shirt and some white, braded trainers.. so thats what i sported. Funny how little changes in how you wear items you own  makes you feel awquard, I'm sure the white t. shirt, white kicks and open cardi combo wasnt odd to anyone, but i felt like the" he's let himself go a bit" member of a 2nd rate boy band at their 10 year reunion. The trainers are beeeautifully comfy tho f.y.i

As part of my task i was to spend half an hour on  a few different sugested activities..for example reading.
I went with "himself alone" david trimble's autobiography i understand political books arnt up everyones street, But autobiogs and biogs certainly are mainstream.

Another half hour activity was listening to music (though i did it for a lot longer) i was very deliberate in my ipod selections, only classic indie, nothing obscure would pass my lobes today folks.. the music buff hat was firmly on the shelf. (if you click on the photo  you can see which track i was listening too when i took the snap should you be interested...)

Half an hours worth of gardening was also suggested.. i think i did roughly that much.. tho admitedly it was pretty much just watering and tending to what im growing... however i was so busy hating being out ther in this weather i neglected to take a photo...

The book instructed me i was to listen to 2 celine dion tracks on a loop... i did it , it was torture.. and now its after 12 i can tell you that. The tracks were  love doesn't ask why and the colour of my love... youve never known true torture until you have a celine dion song cascading through your  head all day like a loose catherine wheel.

T.V... yes please!! the population loves the stuff, so for the day so did i , i tried to watch things everyone seems  to love , i saw scrubs, family guy and even an episode of friends (which i dislike) and avoided my usual haunts of  the history channel and dave ... however i couldnt stop myself from having a sneaky peak at sky sports news ( pictured above)...that must be prety mainstream for blokes tho eh?

A sugested way in which i could show my mainstream credentials was to support a football team, as you no doubt know  this is a daily thing for me...  my love of the boro is not something i can turn off at the end of the day sadly.. but i did try to support them in a less passionate,more middle class and   middle of the road fashion.Had i got into a football based discusion today i might have said "yes i keep an eye out for the middlesbrough score" ... or even " well i like boro, but im just a football fan really". (incase anyone mentions it i wasnt prepared to change my team for the day however unfashionable they may be)

Buying postcards to send to relatives or friends , thats definately  not offending the norms, i didnt want anything too unusual on it  though, a dylan thomas verse with a cool yet vague image neath it seemed ideal.just the thing to send to an ageing relative i imagine.

So the task was and wasnt easy.... once youv'e grasped the basics, you start worying about details... and you have to ask yourself all manner of questions like which condiment is the general populous more likely to slosh on this meal. Decisions like this are hard to make when the  completion of a  task depends on  it.

This is me in the grips of torment, you see  i fancied some fruit "yeah thats mainstream enuf" you must be thinking, but it left me with a quandry..i wanted the kiwi fruit, but after a minute or so of deep pondering i reralised the satsuma would probably win in a head to head for the publics the satsuma it was...i mean the last thing iwould want is to be branded some sort of fruit based "hipster".

I was charged to keep alll of my opinons in line with current thought too, this was hard for me...i had to force myself to keep quiet during the news.. my views on the governments effectiveness, immigration,world politics,international relations and anything else that on a normal day would matter most simply dissapeared, "this must be how it feels to sit on the fence i thought" i'd love to say it was refreshing... but it wasnt. (though it may have been for those around me)

So there it is i was strictly bog standard all day.. and while it pained me in some aspects, it was nice to JUST listen to those classics, NOT be so concerned with what i was watching on t.v. The mainstream wasnt awfull...but im glad it only lasts a day i have a very low tolerence  of french canadian songsters.


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