Nov 16, 2009

day 7... tatoo a banana

Day 7.. "tatoo a banana" so today i was encouraged to deface a banana, i decided to run with a theme.. the theme of my blog innit.. may aswell make it topical and current i thought!!
So here it is, and while i understand i could have taken a more artsy aproach and made it look mint, i kinda prefer the idea of fruit bearing sponsorship .
Seriously wev'e all seen fruit in the supermarket apples, kiwis, oranges etc with the little fruit sticker on bearing its brand name... but people have missed a trick here, political parties, major brands, terrorist organisations...
i'm just throwing it out there ... a banana with bin laden's face on it, endorsing islamic extremism, and jihad against the west, those bananas are sent to western countries, where we buy them, and peel the filthy beggars face off with the rest of the skin when we eat it, getting to feel like we are doing our own little bit to fight the spread of terror here in the safety of a western democrasy... they get advertising, we get to fight terror.. everyones a winner!!
Anyway i digress, so.. i went at the banana with an implement i am relaibly informed is called a nappy pin? (it has touched no nappies people, be calm, hygiene did not suffer in this experiment) and calved into it the 2 messages you see above, i was encouraged to leave the calved banana in the window to speed the browning process.. but it was lashing down today so no such luck.
the problem i now have is im a little picky with food, and now ive made the skin all brown and nasty .. there are 2 hopes of me eating this banana no hope and bob hope, so in the attitude of "waste not, want not".. if anyone fancies it, pop round and use the code word which is "mr tallyman"

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