May 20, 2010

day 105... life minus smell

day 105... and todays task was thus, "today go through life without using your sense of smell" I was wondering how i would pull this off as i saw it aproaching in the book, the flippin sinus probs ive had for months,  i asumed would have cleared up well before now, but as it turns out, i am still unable to smell much at all, oh thankyou for your persistance sinusitous, however would i manage this task without you... but youd best bog off as soon as its done!

So ill functioning nose on face, i marched out to meet the world  with its many punjent odours, and do my best to acknowledge what i should be smelling  while actually  smelling  none of them. I wasnt sure wether this lack of smell would be a burden or a blessing living where i do, i mean cooling towers, chemical industry, lots of tracksuited biffs, would i really be missing out on anything pleasent? heres what i didnt smell today:-

I walked past a garage forecourt, and didnt smell the petrol ( a smell i usually love)
I didnt smell the overwhelming, yet beautifull aroma of garlic that cascades out of linthorpe roads kebab shops.
I didnt smell the sausage stand as i walked past it
I couldnt smell bthick black   fumes that a knackered old ford was spillingout on boro road as i walked past (and i could tell by others faces, the fumes smelt  and it wasnt a heavenly fragrance)
I walked past K.O and that aroma , that tells of pleasure and bowel concerns in one heady snort was strangely not present.
A heavennly looking girl strolled past  and i bet she smelled as good as she looked, but i couldnt tell you, she may aswell have lifted like the toilets in middlesbrough bus station .
On the upside people i  didnt smell:-
The fish section in morrisons  (which i usually have to sprint past)
The smell of the tees as we drove over it wndows down
A beggar/ tramp who may not have smelled, but certainly looked like he should

SO i went without the sense of smell all day (for flippin weeks actually) and i can tell you i equally missed ut and was blessed, i definately wouldnt want to be without it as a permanent set up. It has made me consider smells im gratefull to experience tho, and consider taking a peg with me to morrisons when my sense of smell returns.

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