Nov 29, 2009

day 18..... judgement day

The book informs me that judgement day is looming,(wasn't too great a suprise)  and informed me that i should complete a self assesment form to maybe make gods job of assigning me to either heaven or hell a little easier,... now as you may be aware i dont subscribe to the tally system that exists in some religions , i dont believe my  good deeds being greater in number than my bad will exempt me from hell or whatever youd like to call it.. and viceversa.. so with that pre-cursor, and  disclaimer in there as im slighly worried about blasphemy.. on we go with the form..

again i plan to keep this tame.. the book entry is less mild.

* indicates dont be judging me... i swear down it was years ago.

served a mission
went to church
tried to be honest
performed heimlich manouver (to stop someone choking)
freed a sheep from barbed wire
never voted labour
good listsener

 stole and worse
 borrowed library books forever
 set fire to  alley,whole streets fences lost*
 smashed up police car window*
 picked up £50 off bus seat (i saw who left it)
 cheated at monopoly (everytime)                                                                         beef   crisps (cant explain more)
padded out expense claims                                
misused chloroform*
misused lots of things*
tried sushi*
consumed 5x body weight in donner meat
took part in pig slaughter ( and took photos)
consumed things i shouldnt

and incase there was a dead heat.. a section for the everyday stuff...

kept cd's either alphabetically  or in  Chronological order
prefered dance move:- running man
never stopped liking the magic roundabout
loves lemon sorbet
drinks lots of coke
votes conservative
supports the boro (should gain me some brownie points)
lived in hungary
had a cat called moses
refused to consume admirals pie
was scared of daddy long legs
couldnt handle fluffy tea towels (had to bite them)
had  mild o.c.d's
saluted magpies
ran through the fish section of supermarkets

As previously stated thi isnt how it works as far as im aware.. but the book insisted so here it is.. no thunderbolts please.


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