Jan 24, 2010

day 65... iconoclasm day

day 65... "iconoclasm day" So in essense today i am to alter an image. The book brought to my atention the importance we  as a world put on captured images, Including the fact that we dont like throwing away images of loved ones, perhaps convinced that what we do to the photo in some odd voodoo like manner we do to  the subject.

The importance of images in everyday life, from early man who believed having/ carying drawn images of the mamoth would aid him in catching one, to the powerfull imagery used by governments and movements of all descriptions in their propaganda, even down to present day and our obsesion with images of the rich and famous, we are a world entranced  by  images.

Some photos are  instantly recognisable, That photo of che guevara, john lennon with his round shades and peace fingers, britain's anti nazi posters of the war era (which i love), andy warhols self portrait.

So .. down to business  for my image today i avoided the absoloutley obvious, there will be no winston (though he is my idol), no che, no stalin... what we will have tho is another of my heroe's one that is so often demonised by my counrtymen. I feel it important to take an image of said individual, and show her in her true light. ( see the results below)

some would claim this is a pensive, premeditated pose , that excelently illustrates  her cunning yet agresive nature.


However i think  this image is in similitude of the paintings catholicism likes to knock up of its saints.. its like maggie is asking the almighty for his help to guide our great nation from its current state in to stiller waters.

What a woman  as i sit here now gazing at her , her words cascading through my head.

" u-turn  if you want to,  the lady's is not for turning"

" we want our maney back"

"Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren't."

"If my critics saw me walking over the Thames they would say it was because I couldn't swim."

"I'm extraordinarily patient provided I get my own way in the end. "
I love maggie, FACT.

ok enuff maggie worship

So as required i altered an image, id love to think that when people google (or whatever they use then) images of margaret in 20 years this is the most popular one.

PHOTO altered.

1 comment:

  1. HA! Now are you SURE he meant image as in photo, or could he have meant image as in the opinion or concept of something that is held by the public? I'd like to see you try to change THAT kind of image!

    Although, on second thought, making Maggie into an angel probably qualifies. :oD
