Feb 17, 2010

day 82... revolution week day 1/ printing my samizdat!!

When starting any revolt/ demo the key thing is to gain public support for your cause, the traditional way to do this is to print a pamphlet, and preferably for that pamphlet to strike such a chord with the public  that said work is passed around person to person, and house to house gathering support for the cause, and bolstering your ranks.

Unsure what samizdat is? may i suggest youcheck this link.


The book sugested i follow the traditional style of  samizdat pamphlet.. Focus entirely on message, no excesive use of colour, as little paper wasteage as possible etc..

As you are aware, Scotland won the poll i put out there for possible things to revolt/ demonstrate against, Now although it was in the mix, poll wise as a light hearted option, There are several things about scotland politically at present that bother me deeply.

I shall highlight a few here.

Despite Scotland demanding and recieveing an  independent parliament in which ministers north of the border and only them  vote on all matters scotish,
the same ministers still get a vote on westminster issues that effect England and wales. Imagine that somewhere else in the world, american ministers getting a vote in canadian parliament, but canadians  having no say on u.s issues.

Despite years of moaning for independence which they now have, a massive amount of english tax money still goes north of the border, what kind of independence is this? Can you imagine quiting your place of employment and them continuing to pay you?.

The finances for both countries health and education systems come in essense from the same pot,however  north of the border, tuition fees for universities do not exist, though students a mile south of the border will be paying £3000 a year, and patients in scotland do not pay for prescriptions, while ill people in work, south of the border can end up paying a fortune for long term treatment.

So really they wanted and claimed independence of government, yet we still largely fund scotland, and all of its departments. Tax money is divided both sides of the border in such an unfair way that scotland can afford to make the above concesions for its people, while england can not.

And heres the final sting... our prime minister, secretary of state, chancelor and about 5 other senior cabinet ministers are all Scottish, and so all decisions relating to england  and its people are all made by Scots, who have their own parliament.

I will bosh a photo of said pamphlet up tommorow when i hand them out!

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