Feb 9, 2010

day 78... superhero day

day 78... and today is "become a superhero day", the task was simply to create a whole new superhero, become said superhero and take on his special abilities.

After a little think i struck gold, i was to become rolled up news paper man.. why? you may be asking. Simple, every super hero needs a super vilain to fight with and it seemed only right that spiderman have a nemesis who more exactly personifies his greatest fear, and to be honest i had no idea how to become small amount of water around the  plughole man or mouth of a sleeping human.. man. 

R.U.N.M was created the day an open bottle of white lightning (cheap chemical based cider) was spilt onto a  copy of the daily mail. Thus the paper gained super powers, the power of flight (though only over short distances) the power to whack and of course an inflated hatred of the news papers preffered target.. the spider.

Super hero created.
i fear for spiderman if he sghows his face in teesside.


  1. Your superhero looks strangely familiar...

  2. haha strangely enuf we didnt get american 70s politicaly based cartoons. and there really wasnt that much resemblane.. it was a good watch tho. tar x
